Operator Overloading

                # Julia program to illustrate the
                # overloading of + and == operators
                # Defining a custom type MyNumber
                struct MyNumber
                # Overload the + and == operators for MyNumber
                Base.:+(x::MyNumber, y::MyNumber) = MyNumber(x.value + y.value)
                Base.:(==)(a::MyNumber, b::MyNumber) = a.value == b.value
                # Creating MyNumber objects
                a = MyNumber(3)
                b = MyNumber(4)
                z = MyNumber(4)
                # Adding both the objects
                c = a + b
                # Equality of two objects
                d = a == b
                e = b == z
                # Print the results
                println("Addition of two structs: $c")
                println("Equality of a and b    : $d")
                println("Equality of b and z    : $e")