Data Logging

There is a project called 'Cat Napping'. It introduces the idea of collecting data. The data can then be displayed on the computer screen, read into a spreadsheet, graphed etc. The project isn't that suitable as it stands for the code club because it will be difficult to collect enought data. The data stored is temperature and light.

However, the basic idea is great.

                The pseudo code for a logging project is as follows.
                Create a variable called logging.
                In 'on start' set logging to false

                Using the 'Data Logger' extension use the'set columns' block
                to create the column names you want.

                Then, in 'on button A pressed'
                Set logging to 'not logging'
                If logging show a heart else clear the screen.

                Use the every block and 
                if logging
                 log data column x value ....
                          column y value ....


                Have a on button A+B pressed
                    show a different logo e.g. an X
                    delete the log
                    set logging to false
                    set the column names up again usingset columns x y etc.


                On log full
                set logging to false
                show a suitable icon.

Worth trying this out with various sensors. e.g. How sensitive is the light detection?
