Reaction Game

In this project we are going to make a game for two players. The game is made from cardboard and aluminium foil. When it is finished each player has a target. The targets are the foil pads connected to green and yellow wires at the top of the picture. When a signal appears on the microbit the players race to touch their target. The first one to touch their target wins!

What happens if a player touches their target before the signal? This is called a false start. The microbit shows a sad face and plays a sad tune. Then the game starts again.

This is what happens:

  1. The microbit counts down, 3 - 2 - 1
  2. Then there is a pause which randomly varies in length from 1 to 5 seconds
  3. Then a "go" signal appears on the microbit.

If the player on the left touches their target first an arrow points left. If the player on the right touches their target first an arrow points right. Then the game starts again.

The completed game looks like the picture.

There is a really important thing to know: each player must have contact with the pads at the bottom of the picture. Otherwise they can never win. Why: because when you have contact with both silver paper pads the current flows through you to complete the circuit. Don't worry it is quite harmless.

You are allowed to always keep contact with the pads at the bottom of the picture (with the red wires). The race is to touch your other pad after the signal on the screen.

Here is the code.

There are lots of things to learn in this program: