Hundred River Oak


Lower voice

This page shows just the lower of the two staves on the printed page given out on Friday 25th November. i.e. This is the accompaniment or harmony to the melody on the top stave.

Click on the first note, or somewhere to the left of it, to start at the beginning.
Click on any other note to start at that point in the music.
Click outside of the gray area to stop playback.

X:1 T:The Hundred River Oak-V12 C:Graham Tattersall M:4/4 K:Am L:1/8 Q: "" 1/4=100 %%barnumbers 4 % ===================================== % Verse 1 % Line 1 Bars 1 to 4 % V:1 !mf!F2>F2 F2F2| G2D2 D4| D2>D2 G2G2 | G2D2F4 | w: 1.By old brook vol-up-tuous stood, anc-ient oak of firm-est wood, % % Line 2, (Also refrain) Bars 5 to 8 !mp!C2>C2 D2D2 |G2C2C4|E2>E2 G2G2 | G2 B,2 C4 | w:Cat-tle shade in sum-mer's heat, Win-ter frost a-bout her feet % ==================================== % Verse 2 % Line 1 Bars 9 to 12 V:1 !f!F2>F2 F2F2 | G2D2 D4 | D2>D2 G2G2 | G2D2F4 | w: 2.Change-less as men lived and died, fleet-ing ghosts up-on the tide, % % Line 2 (refrain) Bars 13 to 16 V:1 !mp!C2>C2 C2C2 | G2C2C4 | E2>E2 G2G2 | G2 B,2 C4 | w: Fade a-way be-neath the wave, yet she lives on sure and brave. % ================================== % Refrain: as for Cattle shade in summer's heat % Bars 17 to 20 V:1 C2>C2 D2D2 |G2C2C4|E2>E2 G2G2 | G2 B,2 C4 | w:Fleet-ing ghosts up-on the tide, Fade a-way be-neath the wave. % =============================== % Verse 3 % Line 1 Bars 21 to 24 % V:1 !mf!F2>F2 F2F2| G2D2 D4| !mp!D2>D2 G2G2 | G2D2F4 | w: 3.Now she feels a strange un-ease, wisps of words drift on the breeze. % % Line 2 (refrain) Bars 25 to 28 V:1 !mp!C2>C2 D2D2 |G2C2C4|E2>E2 G2G2 | G2 B,2 C4 | w:Cat-tle shade in sum-mer's heat, Win-ter frost a-bout her feet. % ================================ % Verse 4 % Line 1 Bars 29 to 32 V:1 !mf!F2>F2 F2F2| G2D2 D4| D2>D2 G2G2 | G2D2F4 | w: 4.Words of warn-ing fear and end, Still she does not com-pre-hend % % Line 2 (refrain) BArs 33 to 36 V:1 !mp!C2>C2 D2D2 |G2C2C4|E2>E2 G2G2 | G2 B,2 C4 | w:Sha-dow sprites sur-round in throng, whis-per their black mur-der song % ============================= % Verse 5 % Line 1 Bars 37 to 40 V:1 !f!F2>F2 F2F2| G2D2 D4|!mp! D2>D2 G2G2 | G2D2F4 | w: 5.Ban-shees drown her shud-dered cry, Slow, she crash-es down to die. % % Line 2 (refrain) Bars 41 to 44 V:1 !p!C2>C2 D2D2 |G2C2C4|E2>E2 G2G2 | G2 B,2 C4 | w:Ghosts drift on to haunt a-new, One more tree to cry in vain. % ============================== % Last line repeat of melody with final words % Bars 45 to 48 V:1 !p!C2>C2 D2D2 |G2C2C4|E2>E2 G2G2 |G2 B,2 C4 || w:Slow, she crash-es down to die, One more tree gives shud-dered cry. % ==============================