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T:Skye Boat Song, The
I:linebreak $
"^Chorus: " "C" G>AG "Am" c>cc | "Dm" d>ed "G" g3 | "C" e>de "F" A2 A | "C" G3- "G" G3 |$
w: Speed bon-nie boat, like a bird on the wing, On-ward the sail-ors cry!_
"C" G>AG"Am" c>cc |
w: Car- ry the lad that is|
"Dm" d>ed "G" g3 |"C" e>de"F" A2 A | "C" G2- G2 ||$"^Verse:" "Am" e>ce e3 |"Dm" d>Ad d3 |
w: born to be king,|O- ver the sea to|Skye!_|Loud the winds howl, |Load the waves roar,|
"Am" c>Ac "F" c2 c | "Am" A3- A3 |$"Am" e>ce e3 |"Dm" d>Ad d2 |"Am" c>Ac "F" c2 c | "Am" (A3 "G" G3) :|]$
w: Thun-der-claps rend the| air,_| Baf- fled our foes|stand on the shore,|Fol- low they will not|dare._|
W: 2. Though the waves leap, soft shall ye sleep,
W: Ocean's a royal bed;
W: Rocked in the deep, Flora will keep
W: Watch by your weary head.
W: [Chorus:]
W: 3. Many's the lad fought on that day,
W: Well the claymore could wield
W: Wien the night came, silently lay
W: Dead on Culloden 's field.
W: [Chorus:]
W: 4. Burned are our homes, exile and death
W: Scatter the loyal men;
W: Yet, e'er the Gword cool in the sheath,
W: Charlie will come again.
W: [Chorus:]
W: %