
Sliders let you input a value into a web page by sliding a control.
The value will go from a minimum to a maximum.
You can choose any value in this range.
There will be a starting value which is set for you.
An example: a web page that plays music could let you control the volume using a slider. You could turn it down to nothing (the minimum value) or up to really loud (the maximum value). The starting value would usually be somewhere in the middle.
The slider element is called input. It has an attribute called type. The type attribute is set to the word 'range'. It looks like this:
<input type='range' value='200' min='0' max='400'
       oninput='pic.height = this.value'>
The "oninput" part of the element lets the person coding the web page say what should happen when the slider is moved.

In this example the two sliders control a picture's height and width.