Teaching Javascript
Using their existing page:
1. Add <script>alert("hello");</script> to existing page.
This is about calling javascript functions.
2. Use Javascript1.html to introduce creating your own function.
At this point the browser still runs the code when the page loads.
3. Use Javascript2.html to introduce using a button to call their function.
Kids can edit SimpleButton2.html or, if I display it on the screen, can use it as a guide.
4. Use SimpleButton3.html to use id and innerHtml to change contents of something on the page.
5. Use Javascript3.html to change the features of an image.
This also introduces the html to put an image on the page.
NB: SimpleButton1.html is not that useful. It shows a button calling alert() directly.
However, maybe this could be used when error handling is brought in?