Pseudo Classes

General syntax:

        selector:pseudo-class {
            property: value;

Styling links

The following, if used, must be in this order:

        /* unvisited link */
        a:link {
          color: #FF0000;
        /* visited link */
        a:visited {
          color: #00FF00;
        /* mouse over link */
        a:hover {
          color: #FF00FF;
        /* selected link */
        a:active {
          color: #0000FF;

Combining Classes and Psuedo Classes

A html element can have a class defined just for that element. This class can then have a pseudo-class added. The syntax is like this:

        a.highlight:hover {
            color: #ff0000;
            font-size: 22px;
    <a class="highlight" href="index.html">Index</a>

Which looks, and works, like this:



Hover over me.

And a tooltip appears!

The example above shows how styles can be used so that hovering over one element causes another one to appear. The code looks like this:

                    p.tooltip {
                        display: none;
                        background-color: yellow;
                        padding: 20px;
                    div.icon {
                        max-width: fit-content;
                        border: 5px solid blue;
                        padding: 5px;
                    div.icon:hover p {
                        display: inline-block;

                <div class="icon">
                    <p>Hover over me.</p>
                    <p class="tooltip">
                        And a tooltip appears!

The above shows an important feature of how css works. The last rule of the style section works like this:
the selectors match all p elements in a div with a class of icon that is being hovered over. Then the rule changes the display style of the matched p elements.

Pseudo Elements

There are a few additional options called pseudo elements which can be used to style parts of elements. This is an advanced topic to be left to another day!