html editor

It can be hard to type html without having some help. There is so much you have to know. Html is quite hard to type. You have to get everything right or it doesn't work.

This is why programmers use a special editor to write their code. The one we are going to use is on the internet. You can get to it by clicking here: Python and HTML Editor

You need a Raspberry Pi account to log in. However, as of 22nd April, you can only have an account if you are over 13. So,.....


  1. Create an account that the children use while they are at code club. They don't have the password so cannot use it unsupervised.
  2. Find another editor! Visual studio code? The drop downs are not very useful and the constant pop-ups are a distraction.
  3. There is an online editor here: w3schools Well, maybe, I have signed up for account but it's not obvious what to do next!