
You look at a web page using a program called a 'browser'.

The web page is made using code.

The things you see in the browser are called the 'content'. In the code there are also words between < and >. These words are called 'markup'.

For example:

<p> surrounds a paragraph of writing.

The paragraph begins with <p> and ends with </p>

Did you notice that the markup at the end of the paragraph is nearly the same as at the start...but it has a / in it?

A little bit of markup, such as <p>, is called a tag.

Every page has these tags, in this order:

  1. html
  2. head
  3. body

We put our paragraphs in the 'body' part of the page.

Load 'session1_students.html' Here is some code for you to change. When you want to see what it looks like just press the 'Run' button.