
Computing for Children


This part of my site is about Scratch, a programming language for younger children.

To read more about it, please click here: Scratch



Web Technologies

This part of my site is about the technologies used to build the internet and websites.

To read more about it, please click here: Web


This part of my site is about Snap, a programming language for teenagers.

To read more about it, please click here: Snap!

Computing for Adults


I'm learning the Julia programming language. The first few items are here: Julia


A few pages on the subject of Markdown. Access them here: Markdown


The Eve Project

This part of my site is about a project to reuse unwanted computers and make them available for free to anyone who would like to have a computer. It is intended to be used by people who live within an easy car drive of the village of Wrentham in Suffolk. his is because computers that are being donated must be delivered to me and computers being passed on to a new owner must be collected. There is no option to have them sent by courier.

To read more about it, please click here: Eve


I am just starting to learn a music notation system called 'abc'.

I will collect examples here: Music


Some other pages that need a new home sometime:

Changing a machine name
Enable editing of web pages
Displaying code on web pages