

These are some projects that I created to demonstrate some coding ideas. Only the first one is a game. Well, sort of, it's really a demo of how to animate things and how to make one sprite go behind another one. It's quite good fun to play. It probably does need a timer, as a comment says. The other projects are things I thought would be fun to code and to watch.

Platform Games

Advanced Coding


The page below was my first attempt to solve the problem of sprites getting stuck. It does work but it is very fiddly to do and very fiddly to get right. It's not even that good a solution: it is supposed to work by putting an invisible cloak around the sprite, but the cloak can, just about, be seen. It seemed like a good idea but wasn't. This happens in coding sometimes and when it does there comes a time when you must say to yourself: maybe there is a better way!